motor oils for cars and transporters 25l mannol diesel TDI 5W-30 API SN/CF

motor oils for cars and transporters 25l  mannol diesel TDI 5W-30 API SN/CF
Article:MN truck special 20w50 SH 25l


SAE 20W-50; API CG-4 / CF-4 / CF / SJ; ACEA E2 / B3 / A2
Meets the requirements: MB 228.3 / 229.1; MAN 271; VOLVO VDS

Special all-weather Super High Performance Diesel (SHPD) engine oil of the highest quality mineral based with the addition of an additive package that provides optimum protection against wear and tear on all modes of engine operation. Designed for use in diesel engines of trucks, stationary industrial engines, buses and other types of commercial vehicles. It has high antioxidant and dispersing properties. It provides clean engine parts. Increases oil change interval (according to the car manufacturer's recommendations).